Saturday, February 21, 2015

How to draw easy curly hair:

For this tutorial I'm going to use Merida from Brave, as she has very curly hair, and is fun to draw. I know I already have a picture of her up here, but that was a painting, so her curls didn't show up very well. This is going to be a shaded drawing, since curls are easier to draw shaded, and so are easier to practice that way....

First, sketch the face shape of the character you would like to draw. (Merida has a very round face.)

Next, draw the range in which the curls will be in. (If there are any curls falling in the character's face, go ahead and draw them, too.)

I like to draw the character's face next, but if you want you can skip this step and come back to it  later.

This is a softer version of her. I used a picture of her and slightly changed it. Besides, we are mainly looking at her hair in this drawing. 

  Next, outline each curl. You don't have to have this part perfect, because you will be erasing it later.

As I said, her curls will also be softer, giving it a more realistic look.    

Next, outline each curl, like I did above.

 Draw in between the lines with a shade lighter pencil: 

Continue with the rest of the curls. If it is light hair you are going for, just make the pencil lines softer and lighter. If the person has dark hair, then use a darker pencil, or add more lines.

If you haven't done the face yet, go ahead and do that, and you're done!

The finished picture.

I hope this helped you out! These are beginner curls, so they're not as curly as they could be. I may do a more intricate tutorial on curls sometime, but this should help some, :).  

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